Monorepo for NativeScript app templates
Android ROM device support and bringup tool, designed for maximum automation and speed.
WanderLust is a MERN travel blog website 🚀 This project is aimed to help people to contribute in open source, upskill in react and master git.
A small javascript library for WebAR with NFT
Podverse mobile app written in React Native for iOS, Android, and F-Droid
Interact with's api with Node... now in TypeScript!
Fast and elegant file hosting service.
A free and open-source TypeScript library for generating SVG charts to display planets in astrology.
A web frontend for controlling the home.
Free Palestine. 📖 This tool is to download course from for offline usage. It uses your login credentials and download the course.
:bowtie: Easy way to generate open-graph images dynamically in HTML or React using Next.js API Routes. Suitable for serverless environment.