secretgen-controller provides CRDs to specify what secrets need to be on Kubernetes cluster (to be generated or not)
30 days of code solution in C++/JAVA/C/Python/JavaScript/C#
go/template is a tool for jumpstarting production-ready Golang projects quickly.
A Cloud Native Buildpack that contributes Spring Boot dependency information and slices an application into multiple layers
Automate your Gitops workflow, by automatically creating/merging GitHub Pull Requests
Prevent short link services from tracking you by unshortening the urls for your
ls Xtended : A command line utility that lets you navigate through terminal like a pro 😎.
WebDAV/gRPC/HTTP high performance server to link high level clients to storage backends
minT(oolkit): Mint awesome, secure and production ready containers just the way you need them! Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
Baker is a high performance, composable and extendable data-processing pipeline for the big data era