Routes Minecraft client connections to backend servers based upon the requested server address
Custom GPG pinentry program for macOS that allows using Touch ID for fetching the password from the macOS keychain.
Stonks is a terminal based stock visualizer and tracker that displays realtime stocks in graph format in a terminal. See how fast your stonks will crash.
eBPF based always-on profiler auto-discovering targets in Kubernetes and systemd, zero code changes or restarts needed!
Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster
Query, provision and operate Cloud and SaaS resources and APIs using an extensible SQL based framework
Rule-based double-entry bookkeeping importer (from Alipay/WeChat/Huobi etc. to Beancount/Ledger).
Opinionated platform that runs on Kubernetes, that takes you from App to URL in one step.
Kubernetes cloud-controller-manager for DigitalOcean (beta)