A static educational website related to Data Science built using HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap and Tailwind from scratch
Documentação da linguagem Swift traduzida do inglês para o português.
This theme brings crazy 80's animations into your VS code 🚀🎉
Contribute in this repository by raising a genuine PR. Then get verified, and earn the free swags from Hacktoberfest 2022.
Recipes encapsulate your favourite apps into Ferdium for unified notifications handling and more
The website-side of qmk_firmware! The compiled binaries are generated automatically on every push to the main repo
REPO MOVED TO CODEBERG: https://codeberg.org/pat-s/gitea-github-theme | Opinionated GitHub-based light and dark themes for Gitea
A proof-of-concept for Eel, the cross platform Python - JavaScript GUI designer