Live weather application developed using JavaScript and the Open Weather Map API
Very clean and conceptual Visualization of Linear Search Algorithm used in data Structures using various languages used in Web Technologies. We will be explaining this with the help of Step - by - Step tracking of algorithm.
Solution submission website for the weekly challenges conducted in our discord server.
A collection of all sorts of artwork from October 2022, contributions accepted for hacktoberfest.
Blog-Django is a Django based web-application where you can create your blog post, view other blog and author of the blog, and edit accordingly.
GST Chain - NO tax evasion using Blockchain(Solidity) I have also added PWA feauture to this project. I thought of doing so as I consider PWA to be prominent technology emerging in the field of mobile app. This statement is in accordance to year 2020 ;) Check my project here Happy exploring :)
This project aims on developing a very minimal yet feature packed multi Blogging Dashboard for all your tech savy needs.
Repositório para testes de issues, prs e tudo mais que o git e o github oferecem