A utility to assist in creating Excel spreadsheets in .NET 6+ applications
A domain specific language for Dynamics CRM allowing for easy text template processing
TokenExchange is a .NET Framework that implements the RFC 8693, OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange. This framework consists of a nuget package designed to be installed and used together with an authentication server using Identity Server 4, it extends it and implements the RFC in a very simple way.
ASP.NET Core integration tests with Testcontainers
📦 nanoFramework.Device.Bluetooth class library for .NET nanoFramework
GUS - General Unpack Shell, a small, extensible tool to unpack various archive files
🇧🇷 🏦 ⚙️ PIX/SPI contracts from @bacen/pix-api/
dotnet ci cd pipelines for github, azure devops, gitlab, bitbucket, and etc.
DNN Reports module provides a simple, flexible, view on your database, any table, any view and display results with plugin visualizers
Xaml extensions for SkiaSharp