Feel free to create new file, don't hesitate to pull your code, the most important thing is that the file name here must match your nickname so that file does not conflict with other people.
Kafka Flow Retry Patterns Extensions
🎯 LTS (or current) versions - GitHub Action that will run as a scheduled CRON job. Ideally, once every few months or as often as necessary to align with .NET version updates.
An beautiful windows app to track your battery charging status and notifies you when the battery is full or when you need to connect your charger.
Tool to discover minecraft servers all over the internet and visualize them in a web application. Written in C# and Angular
Repository for building MAUI apps over time. So we can install & profile them.
Admin tools for Azure Url Shortener using Blazor Single Page Application (webassembly)
AEC Interoperability for Unity through Speckle
All .NET things to make Blazor work seamlessly in microfrontends using Piral. 🧩
Gemini AI SDK for .NET and ASP.NET Core enables developers to use Google's state-of-the-art generative AI models to build AI-powered features and applications.
A general scheduler supporting a variety of triggers.
dein ToolBox - C# .Net Library with utilities like: command line, files, log, platform, shell, system, transform and validation [ Win+Mac+Linux ]