EmuFlight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft.
A top-down 2d game engine, written from scratch in under 1000 lines of C. Development of the game based on this engine is streamed on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ryanpcmcquen
Implementation of the Unix fortune command for displaying a random quotation, for Linux and other systems.
PlatformIO development platform for IoT modules
GeoSn0w's OpenJailbreak Project, an open-source iOS 11 to iOS 13 Jailbreak project & vault.
Poker-Hand-Evaluator: An efficient poker hand evaluation algorithm and its implementation, supporting 7-card poker and Omaha poker evaluation
A PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper to connect to TDS databases (Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server)
👀 💻 💤 🔋 Save battery by auto-suspending unfocused X11 applications.